
Friday, 30 December 2011

I've been busy today

I started with one, that led to another, and then soon another came along!


Couldn't decide which one I liked more, white or I'm keeping both!


I tried to sketch the profiles of some of my fav girls from design school. I'll have to take their opinion into consideration as to how good it is!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


The Graphic kind :)

So I finally, finally, finally got my graphic tablet. I am in love with it and today I got up at 7am to start the tutorials. I then made some quick sketches to practice. 

Ya, I'm still trying to get the hang of it. Still some time to become a pro, but I'll get there.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The list

It's that time of the year when everyone is making lists, resolutions mostly. I decided to make one of my own, incorporating some of the things that were left undone from last year and adding a few new ones too.

Things to do before I'm 26:

1. Learn French. Enough is enough, I better start.
2. Travel to at least 2 new places, even if they are nearby.
3. Finish reading 'A Suitable Boy.'
4. Watch all 3 parts of The Godfather. (It's a shame I know)
5. Make 3 paintings and a dozen illustrations for my portfolio.
6. Work towards a healthier self.

I think I should keep it small, I don't really have too much time (2 months will fly by soon)

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Go into the Arts

I found this image on Tumblr, the treasure trove of beautiful things. I simply loved it. I must have read things like this so many times before but this just appealed to me a lot. 

So, here I am, making my life much more bearable and making my soul grow tenfold. :)